Thursday, November 9, 2023

A Scathing Letter To David Zaslav

 You are the worst CEO working in Hollywood today. Ever since Discovery bought Warner Bros. and made you boss, it has just be a constant string of bone head decision after bone head decision. You'd think with decades of experience in finances and even starting out as a lawyer, you of all people would know how to make money AND fight for what's fair.

I want to believe you came from humble beginnings as an innocent kid from New York. I want to believe you wanted to grow up and change the world. I want to believe you had the best intentions when you became the head of Discovery. But based on your current actions, I find it much more believable the you were a snot nosed, greedy little brat that bullied kids out of their lunch money and dreamed of being having his own swimming pool of gold like Scrooge McDuck. And now, here you are, an old, rich, stingey pig who's the CEO of one of the biggest entertainment companies on Earth.

In case you're head is too far up your own sphincter, let me breaking down everything wrong with you. You cancel movies when they're already completed for tax write-offs, you pull the plug on preschool programming after 1 year of trying, you changed HBOMax to Max, which was pointless and stupid, you removed a whole bunch of shows from Max, you made Chris Licht CEO of CNN without interviewing internal candidates, you oversaw cuts to TCM, and during the writers and actors strikes, you were nothing but selfish, arrogant, and unsympathetic.

You know what? Scratch that last one! You ARE selfish, arrogant, and unsympathetic! You constantly throw your employees under the bus, you undermine all their hard work by canceling their projects for tax write-offs, and you're not the least bit sympathetic towards employees who lost their jobs because of you. Worst of all, none of your tax write-offs are worth JACK DIDDLY! Coyote vs Acme cost $70 million to make and you only got $30 million after canceling it. Batgirl was $90 million, you only got back at best a quarter of that after canceling it. Scoob: Holiday Haunt, same story! You could’ve made triple the money you got from your write-offs on the opening weekends for these movies! So not only are you uncaring towards the creators of these movies and you're employees, YOU'RE ALSO A BLOODY MORON!!!

I normally don't campaign an executive to be removed from his position (and I doubt you will unless WB stocks are through the toilet), but you are the major exception. I hope you are not only fired, but blacklisted from the industry. I hope you are forced to resign and be walked out of the Warner Bros. property buck naked with everybody booing you and throwing tomatoes at you.


Someone Who Will NEVER Work For You -.-