I love slapstick humor. Watching animated characters have their bodies get distorted and stretched out more often then not puts me in a good mood. I also really enjoy funny facial expressions like when characters are in pain, disgust or anger. I like random humor as much as the next guy, but I also like clever movie references, sick burns and the occasional pun. For comedy I like a good balance between eccentric voice acting and straightman casual. I don't mind a basic story as long as the characters and humor make up for it.
The best way to get me hooked on an animated drama is relating or understanding the main character(s). Being likable is a big plus, but at their core I should at least be able to see where they're coming from. I'm also a fan of happy endings or at the very least bittersweet endings. Some clever or well timed jokes are always a nice touch. I like voice acting in dramas that feel earnest and relatable, even in an otherwise fantastical setting. I appreciate it when the story ends the character(s) off in a different mindset at the end than they did at the beginning.
I love it whenever the story cuts to the chase and jumps right into the action with the most dazzling visual and some character interaction to boot. Speaking of which, I'm a big fan well developed and well rounded that have layers revealed as the story continues. May favorite type of voice acting in animated action content is the playful yet determined one as well as the stoic yet modest one. I especially love it when they contrast and compliment one another in the performance. I stories that compliment the action or have the action be a driving force for the story.
I love it when the visuals compliment or elevate the musical number. Be it though the character(s) dancing or the background changing from it's original form to a more psychedelic look. I'm all for a voice actor who can also sing beautifully, otherwise I'm cool with the character's singing voice being different than their speaking voice. I like musicals that end with a powerful and well delivered message.
I don't jump from my seat from jumpscares, but I do get creeped out by unsettling visuals or sound design. I applaud animators that make monsters look so grotesque and unpleasant that the even the characters in the story are put off by it. I'm a fan of subtle yet effective voice acting when it comes to animated horrors, or intentionally unsettling voice acting for the monsters and demons present.
I love it when animators are able to just express themselves through animation. Big fan of color, but I don't mind seeing something drawn in black and white. When it comes to anthologies, I like both variety and a common theme among the shorts. Should voice acting be present, I like a good narrator as much as the next guy. I'm also a fan of limited/dialogue free animated shorts.
Your taste sucks