Monday, June 29, 2020

In Defense of Joel Schumacher's Batman Movies

The original Batman movies between 1989-1997 are some of the most popular and topical films starring the Caped Crusader. While the first 2 directed by Tim Burton are often regarded as the most well made Batman films, the ones by Joel Schumacher are...not. I'm of the camp that they're rather enjoyable films, if not otherwise guilty pleasures. Having rewatched them on HBOMAX, I find that they still offer some substance and entertainment value.

Storywise, Batman Forever delves into Bruce Wayne's long suppressed tramua regarding his parents' murder while Batman & Robin finds him learning to trust his newfound partner in crime fighting. Batman Forever is often regarded as the better of the 2 Schumacher Batman movies in terms of storytelling, and I agree. In addition to taking the time to explore this part of Bruce Wayne's character, this film also organically sets up Robin's origin and how he becomes Batman's young ward. Batman & Robin, meanwhile, has a more straightforward plot while also introducing Barbara Wilson, aka Batgirl into the mix. This makes the film a tad predictable, yet the element in which both films succeed it is the over-the-top acting (particularly from the villains), the cheesy lines and outlandish costumes.

Can we just take a moment to acknowledge how fun these films are? Joel Schumacher was tasked to make these film more lighthearted in contrast to Burton's take and he more than delivered. Gotham is more vibrant and lively, and the costumes look more extravagant. I especially love the portrayal of Two-Face in this film, from wearing double sided clothes, having 2 maids dressed as an angel and devil, as well as his goons wearing double sided masks. I'm aware people have a strong distaste for Mr. Freeze's puns, but honestly a couple of them got a genuine chuckle out of me. Many people claim that Batman & Robin was made to sell toys, but having watched both films back to back, I feel Joel Schumacher just doubled down on the campy nature of Forever and gave Batman more gadgets and gizmos as an homage to the 1960s Batman TV series with Adam West.

While I enjoy these movies and all their cheesiness, I do have a couple issue. I felt the character of Dr. Chase Meridian was pretty much portraying the same love interest Batman had in the Tim Burton movies, only this time she's more attracted to Batman in a sexual manner. As such she has little to offer in terms of personality. I also felt Commissoner Jim Gordon being relegated to just calling Batman for help was kinda underwhelming. I kinda hoped he would play a bigger part, but I guess not. I also found it odd that Billy Dee Willams was replaced with Tommy Lee Jones as Harvey Dent, leading me to assume Dent had vertigo (a la Michael Jackson). Lastly, I feel Bane falls into the unfortunate category of Adaptation In Name Only because he's basically just Frankenstein's Monster in a mask as opposed to an intelligent tactician with superhuman strength that broke Batman's back.

Still though, I very much enjoy these movies in the most unironic sense possible. Yes, they're cheesy, yes they're outlandish, yes they're over-the-top, but darn it they're still fun. While I respect that Joel Schumacher apologized for disappointing people who expected Batman & Robin to be great, I don't think he felt any shame for making a couple fun movies. Thanks for reading and I'll see you soon ;)

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