Saturday, August 15, 2020

It's Time To Retire The "Sex Scene"

Many movies and TV shows aimed at adults tend to incorporate sex scenes into the narrative. Many people have criticized the inclusion of these scenes and I can definitely see why. Even if they're integral to the plot, a sex scene is problematic for the actors involved and it tends to make casual audiences uncomfortable watching it. With the rise of more prominent women in shobiz, I think now is the right time to retire the practice of sex scenes in general.

The reason behind sex scenes being included varies from filmmaker to filmmaker. The most common though is because it stimulating to watch two actors have sex. To put it bluntly, it gives the filmmakers an excuse to make porn without directly calling it porn. The problem with that mentality is the same problem with pornography in general: it's degrading. It dehumanizes the people involved, particularly the women, to essentially make the porn stars for the sake of stimulating the filmmaker. Of course not every sex scene is like this, but even the exceptions aren't worth filming in the first place.

Take for example the attempted sex scene between Bruce Banner and Betty Ross in The Incredible Hulk. The scene itself isn't bad as it shows Bruce can't even have sex without Hulking out. However, that's a fact that could've been left unsaid because it was already established in the beginning of the film that he can't let his heart rate go up so high before he turns green. As such, the scene is superfluous.

Even movies about sex, such as Don Jon or American Pie, could've gotten their point across just fine without filming the actors having sex. Showgirls, the most notorious example of gratuitous sex and nudity, did not need any of those scenes to tell the story of a girl trying to get into showbiz. I know a remake is never going to happen, but if I were to remake the film I'd focus on the anxiety and stress Nomi goes through while being a glorified prostitute. Instead of showing her performing or having sex with guys, I'd show the aftermath with her drinking, smoking, crying, calling her parents and trying to get out. Maybe have it end with her being a born-again Christian as a little cherry on top.

Now I know what you're thinking, "but what about show, don't tell?" and to that I counter argue less = more. Contrary to popular belief, not everything in the story has to be spelled out for you. You don't need to see the characters going to the bathroom all the time, you don't need to see character stopping to take a cigarette break, and more importantly you don't need to see characters having sex. Even if sex if part of the story, you don't need to show it. 

Many actors have also come forward to say that they were uncomfortable filming sex scenes. While filming the sex scenes on Jessica Jones, they were filming all day and Mike Colter was getting back pains. While there was a mediator there to make sure everything ran smoothly, it's still a tedious process to shoot a scene that ultimately establishes what we already know: Jessica and Luke Cage are compatible with each other. There are many actor who refuse to film sex scenes because it goes against their beliefs and as such they aren't hired for the project in mind. This is unfortunate because it enforces the stigma that sex sells, which itself should no longer be tolerated especially today.

Instead of trying to making filming sex scenes more comfortable, why don't we instead try making the story more engaging without the need to have the actors take off their clothes? It's not artistic to film a lady giving a guy a blowjob; it's disgusting. It's not important to show characters having sex because they love each other; it's redundant. In closing, let's start a new era in filmmaking where the sex scene is not common in mature movies and TV shows. Instead replace it with good character interactions, a strong story, and some laughs along the way.

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