Thursday, October 12, 2023

OPINION: Terrorists Deserve No Mercy

George W. Bush's decision to declare a war on terrorism has been seen as rash and unnecessary by his critics. Even his successor, President Obama, denounced it as foolish and pointless. Yet in the years following the major wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, terrorism is not only still alive and well, it has only gotten worse. We're now at the age where human being who grew up knowing the difference between right and wrong are now saying they stand in support of Palestine, a nation founded by terrorists and whose only contribution to society since its inception was terrorizing Israel. Folks, this kind of toxic thinking is exactly what lead the Nazis to gain power. This post is here to remind those who read it word for word that no matter what, terrorists are NOT worthy of your support, respect, and especially mercy.

While the word terrorism is relatively new, being derived from French in the 18th century, the tactics of terrorism date back to the dawn of man. There's always that one person who decides out of the blue that an innocent soul was going to suffer. Why? Were they being oppressed? Were they craving attention? Were they actually the hero? No, the answers actually pretty straightforward yet some people refuse to believe it. Terrorism exists because some people feel gratification watching innocent people suffer. They may try to play upbtheir religious beliefs or a pathetic sob story to try and rationalize their actions, but we all know there's no excuse for causing harm to someone who was minding their own business. The reality is terrorists are just rotten to the core and only get some semblance of joy by making innocent people suffer.

Terrorism has had many different faces over millennia. In the late 10th century, it was Gengis Khan. During the discovery of North and South America, it was Christopher Columbus. In 1939, it was Adolf Hitler. In 2001, it was Osama bin Laden. Now, it's Ismail Haniyeh, the leader of Hamas, a terrorist group that launched an attack on Israel. With over 1300 Israeli citizens killed, you'd think it'd be unanimously agreed upon that Palestine, as a country, should be dissolved and every member of Hamas be publicly executed via firing squad starting with Ismail (preferably in front of all 13 of his children). Yet a good number of people online would read that sentence and think "bro, that's way too harsh! How can you say that? Look at the number of people injured and killed in Palestine!" 

You wanna know what's "way too harsh?" Killing men, women and children because you didn't wanna share land with a neighboring country. Dropping bombs on innocent civilians who practice a different religion than you is also going way too far. Brainwashing the young minds of children into thinking innocent people are their oppressors and the training said kids to kill is a prime example of overkill. Suggesting that the dastardly leader of an evil organization be executed for his crimes is gracious compared to what these sickos do on a daily basis. And yes, I'm aware the people in Palestine who had nothing to do with terrorism got injured and killed during this conflict. The thing is, I don't give a rat's backside! The people of Palestine and their government have put in zero effort in making the rest of the world feel anything but disgust and hatred for their very existence. If the nearly 5 million people in that country really wanted sympathy from the rest of the world, they should've been rationally thinking adults and be allies with Israel back when they first formed. Now it's over 75 years too late and the only good course of action for Palestine is to dissolve as a country.

I think these past few years have taught us that terrorism isn't gonna go away if we just stand idly by and not get involved. As much as respect President Obama, I have to disagree with him on his stance on the war on terrorism. We need to stand and fight againts those who terrorize innocent people. By refusing to do so, we expose ourselves as cowards who only fight wars when it's on our terf. To conclude, I want to send a personal message to every terrorist on Earth: when we die, I'll be laughing my way through the pearly gates while you burn in Hell!

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