Saturday, August 31, 2024

A Scathing Letter To Danielle Bregoli

 Forsaken Danielle Bregoli,

You've gotten away with being a pampered and spoiled sow long enough! It was already excruciating to witness a 13 year old milk her unearned 15 minutes of fame dry and act nasty, uncoordinated, and spiteful at every turn. Now you had the gaul to bring your daughter into this world while you're just as toxic as ever? This will not stand and if you don't want Child Protective Services to take her away, you WILL fix you disgusting attitude and not let her suffer the same terrible childhood as you.

Your parents made a grave mistake not giving you the proper amount of love and affection after you were born. Instead of teaching you right from wrong, raising you in a safe environment, and surrounding you with people who you can trust, you got the filthy end of the stick. You're parents hated each other, you grew up in a dangerous neighborhood and your so-called "friends" were degenerates, hoodlums, and creeps. These nauseating circumstances morphed you into an uncompromising delinquent. You went on to steal things, get into fights, and cuss out at your mother. Your infamous catchphrase is proof positive that you are NOT emotionally stable or have any common sense. If the wrong person did catch you outside, you'd get you posterior clobbered and/or you'd be dead before you'd get a chance to scream for help!

But it wasn't enough for you to appear on the Dr. Phil show, was it? It wasn't enough you became a viral meme overnight. Instead of getting help, seeing a therapist, rekindling your relationship with your mother, and becoming a model citizen to society, you instead became a terrible rapper and doubled down on your nasty attitude. The stones you released under the moniker Bhad Bhabie all showcase what NOT to do as a rapper. Clunky lyrics, repetitive and dull beats, and a very forced and unconvincing delivery. You also make it clear that these songs are just about you boasting how better you are than people, how everyone is wrong and incompetent, and how you're not afraid to fight anyone. This is the exact kind of rap music that even die hard fans of the genre make fun of and call cringe! Why? Because it reeks of shallowness, toxicity, and incompetence!

I was hoping by the time you became an adult you would realized how inept you were being and finally change your ways. Seeing your recent songs and photos on Instagram, as well as seeing a tattoo of your ex who put his hands on you, confirming you got back together, proves how foolish I was for being optimistic! In the 8 years since your appearance on Dr. Phil, you haven't changed one bit! You're still a toxic person, you're still a terrible rapper, you're still incompetent, and you're still shallow! It's now made even worse because you have a kid and you're not emotionally mature or wise enough to give them a proper childhood! I know for a fact that if you don't change your ways now, she's going to end up a delinquent just like you! Heaven forbid when she's 13, she repeats your infamous catchphrase and the wrong person takes her up on her offer and you never see her again!


An Actually Mature Adult -.-

Thursday, November 9, 2023

A Scathing Letter To David Zaslav

 You are the worst CEO working in Hollywood today. Ever since Discovery bought Warner Bros. and made you boss, it has just be a constant string of bone head decision after bone head decision. You'd think with decades of experience in finances and even starting out as a lawyer, you of all people would know how to make money AND fight for what's fair.

I want to believe you came from humble beginnings as an innocent kid from New York. I want to believe you wanted to grow up and change the world. I want to believe you had the best intentions when you became the head of Discovery. But based on your current actions, I find it much more believable the you were a snot nosed, greedy little brat that bullied kids out of their lunch money and dreamed of being having his own swimming pool of gold like Scrooge McDuck. And now, here you are, an old, rich, stingey pig who's the CEO of one of the biggest entertainment companies on Earth.

In case you're head is too far up your own sphincter, let me breaking down everything wrong with you. You cancel movies when they're already completed for tax write-offs, you pull the plug on preschool programming after 1 year of trying, you changed HBOMax to Max, which was pointless and stupid, you removed a whole bunch of shows from Max, you made Chris Licht CEO of CNN without interviewing internal candidates, you oversaw cuts to TCM, and during the writers and actors strikes, you were nothing but selfish, arrogant, and unsympathetic.

You know what? Scratch that last one! You ARE selfish, arrogant, and unsympathetic! You constantly throw your employees under the bus, you undermine all their hard work by canceling their projects for tax write-offs, and you're not the least bit sympathetic towards employees who lost their jobs because of you. Worst of all, none of your tax write-offs are worth JACK DIDDLY! Coyote vs Acme cost $70 million to make and you only got $30 million after canceling it. Batgirl was $90 million, you only got back at best a quarter of that after canceling it. Scoob: Holiday Haunt, same story! You could’ve made triple the money you got from your write-offs on the opening weekends for these movies! So not only are you uncaring towards the creators of these movies and you're employees, YOU'RE ALSO A BLOODY MORON!!!

I normally don't campaign an executive to be removed from his position (and I doubt you will unless WB stocks are through the toilet), but you are the major exception. I hope you are not only fired, but blacklisted from the industry. I hope you are forced to resign and be walked out of the Warner Bros. property buck naked with everybody booing you and throwing tomatoes at you.


Someone Who Will NEVER Work For You -.-

Thursday, October 12, 2023

OPINION: Terrorists Deserve No Mercy

George W. Bush's decision to declare a war on terrorism has been seen as rash and unnecessary by his critics. Even his successor, President Obama, denounced it as foolish and pointless. Yet in the years following the major wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, terrorism is not only still alive and well, it has only gotten worse. We're now at the age where human being who grew up knowing the difference between right and wrong are now saying they stand in support of Palestine, a nation founded by terrorists and whose only contribution to society since its inception was terrorizing Israel. Folks, this kind of toxic thinking is exactly what lead the Nazis to gain power. This post is here to remind those who read it word for word that no matter what, terrorists are NOT worthy of your support, respect, and especially mercy.

While the word terrorism is relatively new, being derived from French in the 18th century, the tactics of terrorism date back to the dawn of man. There's always that one person who decides out of the blue that an innocent soul was going to suffer. Why? Were they being oppressed? Were they craving attention? Were they actually the hero? No, the answers actually pretty straightforward yet some people refuse to believe it. Terrorism exists because some people feel gratification watching innocent people suffer. They may try to play upbtheir religious beliefs or a pathetic sob story to try and rationalize their actions, but we all know there's no excuse for causing harm to someone who was minding their own business. The reality is terrorists are just rotten to the core and only get some semblance of joy by making innocent people suffer.

Terrorism has had many different faces over millennia. In the late 10th century, it was Gengis Khan. During the discovery of North and South America, it was Christopher Columbus. In 1939, it was Adolf Hitler. In 2001, it was Osama bin Laden. Now, it's Ismail Haniyeh, the leader of Hamas, a terrorist group that launched an attack on Israel. With over 1300 Israeli citizens killed, you'd think it'd be unanimously agreed upon that Palestine, as a country, should be dissolved and every member of Hamas be publicly executed via firing squad starting with Ismail (preferably in front of all 13 of his children). Yet a good number of people online would read that sentence and think "bro, that's way too harsh! How can you say that? Look at the number of people injured and killed in Palestine!" 

You wanna know what's "way too harsh?" Killing men, women and children because you didn't wanna share land with a neighboring country. Dropping bombs on innocent civilians who practice a different religion than you is also going way too far. Brainwashing the young minds of children into thinking innocent people are their oppressors and the training said kids to kill is a prime example of overkill. Suggesting that the dastardly leader of an evil organization be executed for his crimes is gracious compared to what these sickos do on a daily basis. And yes, I'm aware the people in Palestine who had nothing to do with terrorism got injured and killed during this conflict. The thing is, I don't give a rat's backside! The people of Palestine and their government have put in zero effort in making the rest of the world feel anything but disgust and hatred for their very existence. If the nearly 5 million people in that country really wanted sympathy from the rest of the world, they should've been rationally thinking adults and be allies with Israel back when they first formed. Now it's over 75 years too late and the only good course of action for Palestine is to dissolve as a country.

I think these past few years have taught us that terrorism isn't gonna go away if we just stand idly by and not get involved. As much as respect President Obama, I have to disagree with him on his stance on the war on terrorism. We need to stand and fight againts those who terrorize innocent people. By refusing to do so, we expose ourselves as cowards who only fight wars when it's on our terf. To conclude, I want to send a personal message to every terrorist on Earth: when we die, I'll be laughing my way through the pearly gates while you burn in Hell!

Friday, May 5, 2023

A Scathing Letter To Adam Of YourMovieSucksDotOrg

 I'm glad I unsubscribed to you years ago. You're such a pretentious dirt bag! It's straight up impossible for you to respect filmmakers and audiences members because all you are is ego!

"tHiS iS a DuMb BaBy MoViE fOr DuMb BaBiEs" GROW THE FLOP UP!!! You sound like a spoiled 3 year old stubbornly refusing to accept that not everything is going to be made for you! You should've stopped reviewing mainstream movies years ago because you're never gonna find one made with your tastes and you're not good a reviewing anyway! Stick to just reviewing indie films!

Or better yet, JUST MAKE YOUR OWN! You have a camera, you have friends, you have sound equipment, and you have a backyard full of grass you should be touching instead of insulting talented filmmakers! The only thing thing stopping you from making your own films is your stupid ego! You'd rather waste your free time belittling talented and hard working men and women who spend their free time following their passions because you can't bear the thought that these people were just like you when you started this channel. Young and ambitious artists who wanted to make movies and give audiences a good time. The very idea that these people are living their dreams sickens you because you failed to make yours a reality.

And now, all you do is insult them and insult people who support them because if you couldn't make people happy with your movies then no one should be happy with movies. You're such a sad, pathetic and nasty man who's living a miserable life and is making it everyone's problem. I know you're laughing at me for saying all this because you just don't care and you think I'm just a butthurt Mario fan. You'd just be proving my point, and showing that you're too pretentious and nasty to even take criticism. I'm mature and sane enough to take criticism like a man, while you are took weak and narrow minded to handle something as simple as "I disagee." Those two words alone make you vomit because you believe you're opinion is the only opinion that truly matters and everyone else is a braindead moron for thinking otherwise. Newsflash, jerk dish: THAT'S NOT HOW OPINIONS WORK!!! Opinions are personal tastes and preferences, not indisputable facts of life! You're not the end all, be all of movie critics! You never have been and you never will be! All opinions are different because all people are different. Just because you didn't like a movie that doesn't mean someone is wrong for liking it. A bloody 2 year old has more common sense than you! I hope more people realize what a terrible critic you are and stop watching your reviews.


A Real Film Fan -.-

Friday, April 21, 2023

Opinion: Driving Should NEVER Be A Right -.-

 In the United States of America, all living citizens have a significant number of rights. We have the right to vote, the right to practice religion, the right to bear arms, and the right to express ourselves. We do NOT, however, have the right to own and drive a vehicle of our choice. If you're expecting me to say "it's time we change that" or "I think now's a good time to make it a law" you are sorely mistaken. While I do have my disaggrements with Congress, I applaud them for sticking to their guns and never making it the law of the land for every U.S. citizen to be able to own or drive a care. As controversial as it may sound, I earnestly believe we need to restrict access to automobile ownership like we've been trying to do the same for gun ownership.

Driving in the United States hasn't always been a thing, unlike all the other rights in the Constitution. The first automobile, the Benz Motor Car, was patented in 1886, with units being sold within the first 20 or so years. By the time cars swept the nation in the early 1920s, it had already been 150 years since we became a nation. In that time, manny laws were passed and ammended to suit the needs of the American people. When it came to cars, however, things got complicated. See, like the locomotive before it, cars had this one problem that made it evidently clear that this wasn't to be a right. Everybody wanted a car, but not everyone was responsible enough to own one.

Car accidents, while they're common place now, they're not a recent phenomenon. In 1896, a bicyclist was hit by a car in New York City. This was the first of countless instances in which operators of motor vehicles abused their ownership of a car to cause harm or death to an innocent bystander, whether it was intentional or not. The first state to recognize the dangers of motor vehicles was Connecticut and on May 21, 1901, the state passed the first automobile regulation law in the nation. This law, An Act of Regulating the Speed of Motor Vehicles, stated that no motor vehicle was permitted to go over 15 miles per hour on the highway or any place outside city limits, or 20 miles per hour on the highway or any where within city limits. A valiant effort, but it wasn't enough to prevent accidents. To do that, would be drivers need to be taught the rules and regulations of the road.

Driver's education and training began in the United Kingdom in 1909, but for the United States it started as a high school class course in 1934. Created by Amos Neyhart, this course taught students the rules, regulations and history of automobiles which still apply to this very day. While getting a driver's license was nothing new at the time (the first one being issued in 1899), taking a driver's ed class became mandatory for a license in the mid 20th century. It was also during this time when new laws were passed that regulated automobile operation for drinking, running a red light, abusing your car horn and manny more. Ideally this would make our more responsible and car accidents would be at an all time low. Yeah, unfortunately that's not even close to the world we live in.

In 2020, yes the same year we had to stay indoors due to the pandemic, 38,824 people lost their lives in a car accident. To put that into perspective, that's almost the same amount of people that live in my one horse town I call home. The circumstances of these accidents differ, from distracted driving, drinking, a tire blowing out, a pot hole sneaking up on them or an animal lacking common sense before crossing. The one thing they all have in common, though, is that the driver is at fault for not following the rules of the road and not being responsible. I'm well aware nobody's perfect, believe me I know I'm not. That said, perferction and responsibility are NOT  the same thing.  Being perfect means you have no need to be responsible for the rest of your life because things always work out. Being responsible means you take full ownership of your actions and reactions. You see a pot hole, you go around it. Your tires blow out, you pull over and call a tow truck. You have alcohol in your system, don't get in the bloody driver's seat. With the prescene of the Internet, there's now no such thing as "wElL i DiDn'T kNoW." It's your responsibility to prepare for what's to come on the road. It's your responsibility to avoid hazards on the road. It's your responsibility to stay out of other people's blind spots.  If you hit someone or something on the road, there's no one to blame except yourself.

And there are real people out there who think driving should be a right and not a privileged. In case you haven't been paying attention, let me spell it out for you. If you need to be taught how to do something, you don't automatically have the right to do it. You don't have to be taught to express yourself, practice religion or vote. You also won't go to jail for expressing something negative, affiliating yourself with a controversial religion or voting for a politician that made very bad choices. Driving and owning a car shouldn't be a right because you don't have to work for your rights. You don't have to take a test and get a license to express yourself. On top of all that, if driving was a right, than all the laws that regulate and restrict it would be unconstitutional, thus causing more car accidents and deaths than their already are. You know what we should do, instead? Add more restrictions and car laws, like what we're trying to do with guns. There should be a law that forbid people prone to anger and violence from owning a vehicle. There should also be a failsafe installed in all vehicles that makes the car not turn on if the driver has alcohol in their system. More laws like this are guaranteed to save lives and make driver's think twice before making stupid mistakes.

As someone who's in the process of becoming an official driver, seeing car accident after car accident makes me want to puke up my internal organs. I don't think the rules of the road are hard to follow, nor are they confusing when you read them thoroughly.  I also don't think it's hard to responsible behind the road and be a decent driver. Ignorance is not an excuse in the age of the Internet and there is not "iT's NoT mY fAuLt" when there's over a hundred ways to avoid an accident. If you want to learn how to drive, here's the most important lesson for you to learn: it takes less effort to be responsible than it does turning the ignition. And don't gimme any of that "driving should be a right" malarkey. Your thinking druving is easy is not even close to being a good enough resaon to make it a right. Here's a right for you: I have the right to tell you that you have NO right to be a driver, especially if you're mentally unstable. Don't like it? Tough bananas -.-

Tuesday, December 6, 2022

A Scathing Letter To Cartoon Brew

 Dear Cartoon Brew,

You are one of the worst websites for animation I know. You're everything I despise about bad faith reviews and news reporting. I can't believe what start out as an honest endeavor by Jerry Beck and Amid Amidi has now turned into a sad, pathetic and painfully unfunny joke of itself.

I first saw just how bad you were are reporting news when Chris Savino was fired from Nickelodeon. Instead of simply doing your job and reporting what happen, how it happened and leaving links to hotlines for victims of abuse, your editor decides to go on and say The Loud House should be canceled for what Chris Savino had done. Oh sure! Let's fire 100s of hard working employees with families because their boss was a creep! Do you see how cruel that sounds? This is something I'd expect from a 2 year old who thought firing people was part of the game we call life!

But it didn't stop there, did it? No it only got worse and worse as you spread misinformation and lie to your viewers. You knew Cartoon Network wasn't going to shut down after Warner Bros. merged with Discovery. Yet you go and published that article anyway, causing everyone and they Grandma dread and anxiety. This isn't even your first offense as in 2020 you claimed Disney wasn't supportive of The Owl House's push for LGBTQ representation, when the creator confirmed that was not even close to true. You give other journalists and reporters a bad name because of how much you lie and hype up misinformation just to get views.

Just when you couldn't get anymore pathetic, you post a news article about Rebecca Sugar buying a house and POST HER ADDRESS ONLINE???!!! What the flop is your problem?! Why would any one of your editors think that was a good idea?! Regardless of intention, you just doxxed Rebecca Sugar and put her and her husband at risk of getting killed! I can't even think of a valid reason why anyone would do something this incredibly stupid! If I was Rebecca, I'd get my lawyer on the phone and sue your pants off!

If I had any respect for you, it left the building years ago. I'd even go as far as to say Cartoon Brew was better off laying dormant since Jerry Beck left because now it's just a freak show with Amid Amidi as the ring leader. It's clear you don't even have a so much as a speck of dignity left because this website should've shut down a long time ago. Hence for, I will NOT be using links to your website and I shall discourage others from doing the same. You are the bane of animation's existence and the medium would be better of if you cease to exist.


A Real Animation Fan -.-

Monday, April 18, 2022

A Scathing Letter To Mr Enter

 Dear John,

I just want to say congratulations on proving your haters right. Over the years you've been called, selfish, egotistical, pretentious, and overall ignorant among many other things. I used to be one of your defenders until recent years and I feel like an idiot for not seeing it until now. 

Firstly, how dare you call any cartoon or creator lazy? Do you really think people who spent more time learning the craft of animation that you learned the fine are of basic common sense wouldn't bother putting in any effort to their projects. Even the poorest quality of animation takes a lot more effort to make than anything you or I could put out because we have no experience in the medium.

You say health care shouldn't be a right? Then I guess the Affordable Care Act, which was passed to give everyone health care even when they couldn't afford it beforehand, was rather pointless. You clearly don't know the struggle of not being able to pay medical bills to save a loved one's life or your own. You've clearly never had the displeasure of not having enough money to pay back the hospital after they treated you. If you did, you would know just how dangerous your argument of "health care shouldn't be a right" actually is.

You think Disney and Pixar are just greedy corporate executives cracking their whips over content creators. A bit of hyperbole, but it's not far of with how you feel about Disney or any of the major animation companies. Disney isn't just guys in suits having business meetings. It's also hard working men and women trying their best to entertain the audience. The people that make the films and TV show you hate more often than not are people how have always wanted to work for Disney and leave their mark under the Mouse House. They're not slaves under the thumb of a Pharoah who only cares about his own ego, and even if they were, you ain't Moses.

Your hatred for executives is exactly what's holding you back from making Growing Around a reality. You say you want to do it independently, but that's easier said than done. You didn't provide so much as an animatic in your Kickstarter to intice more people to back it. You have yet to make a pilot for your concept to get people invested in your idea. If you're really dead set on making Growing Around happen, than you need a financial planner to help you with investments. Whether you like it or not, you need a business plan to bring your cartoon to life; otherwise it's just going to be another idea in a sea full of them in your mind.

Your worst quality, though, isn't your pretentious attitude, or dangerous takes, or even your recent selfish review in which you imply Domee Shi was ignorant for not mentioning 9/11 in her film that's set in 2002 (despite the fact that it has NOTHING to do with the story). No, the worst part about you John is you are so cynical that you retired Admirable Animations. To you Soul was the last great animated anything, when since that film's release we've had a quite a few really good animated projects you could've and should've talked about. Netflix is absolutely killing it with their animated releases with films like Flee, Vivo and The Mitchells vs The Machines recieving critical acclaim. Then there's the animated shows on the platform like Kid Cosmic, Arcane, The Midnight Gospel and Inside Job among so many others. Outside of Netflix, HBOMax has really good shows like Looney Tunes Cartoons, Jellystone and Primal. Amazon Prime has been killing it with Invincible, The Legend of Vox Machina, and Undone and AppleTV+ has some shows like The Snoopy Show, Pinecone & Pony, and El Deafo. We are living in a golden age of animated content and you don't want to talk about any potential great ones because all you care about is trying to make your own animated project a reality.

John, when you started making reviews, you were irritated at a show's failures but very complimentary to a shows strengths. I thought if you looked kept talking about good animated shows and movies, you'd have a greater appreciation for the art form abe more understanding and respectful when you do critcise animated projects. Instead of that happening, you just became more spiteful, selfish, egotistical and ignorant to the point where everything your detractors said about you is true. You're not the worst critic, but you're most certainly among the most pretentious and I should've seen it coming sooner so that I could've help prevent this outcome. I hope you lose all your subscribers and people stop giving you money on Patreon. 


A Former Fan -.-