Saturday, May 11, 2019

In Defense of Steven Universe

It’s no secret that whenever something is popular, there are always those that want it to die because they don’t like it and they feel the people who do make it worse. In today’s animation landscape, no other show has received so much praise and bitter hatred than Steven Universe. It’s one thing not to like this show, but to outright claim that it’s “the worst show ever made” or “has a toxic fanbase” really undermines the credit and value this show has to offer.
For starters, this show does an excellent job at portraying gender and sexuality through it’s use of smart writing and original songs. This stems from the fact that creator, Rebecca Sugar, wanted to make a cartoon that was not only fun to watch, but also show female characters falling in love and being judged strictly for their actions (both positive and negative).
This show also has some of the best looking animation in modern network television with vibrant colors, unique and creative character design and smooth, ballet-like movements. Some of the best scenes in the show involve the battles the Crystal Gems face, the fusion dances and the musical numbers showcased in every other episode.
Speaking of music, this show has a wide variety of original songs that are upbeat and blissful to listen to. Not only do the songs added substance to the plot of each episode, but you could listen to them on their own and not need the context to enjoy them. Some of the best songs include Stronger Than You, Giant Woman, It’s Over Isn’t It, Here Comes a Thought and of course the theme song.
Then we have the colorful cast of characters which make the show worth watching. From the optimistic, but quirky and brave Steven to the patient and powerful Garnet, these characters each have their own unique personalities and work off each other brilliantly in each episode. Pearl is the well organized, dependable mother-like figure, Amethyst is the rebellious but loyal tomboy, Greg is a chill, helpful and relatable Dad to Steven and Connie is the smart, brave and fun little girl that works perfectly as Steven’s best friend.
This show also has a colorful cast of supporting characters who become more likeable as the show continues. The Cool Kids (Buck, Sour Cream and Jenny) are likeable and relaxed teenagers who make for good friends and aspiring musicians. Sadie was the hard working employee at the Big Donut who had a soft spot for Steven, but later became a great singer as well as a brave young woman in her own right.
Then there are the black sheep of the cast: Onion, Lars and Renaldo. I don’t have major gripes with these characters, but I see why people would prefer they were written out of the show entirely (especially Renaldo). Onion is an odd, but fun little character that doesn’t talk, but his actions speak for themselves. Lars started out as a bit of a jerk, but the more we saw of him, the more relatable he became until ultimately he became one of the bravest characters on the show. Renaldo is a special case as while most people feel he’s the fly in the soup of the show, I feel like he gets better as a character with each appearance. This is probably because I see him as a flawed skeptic who slowly but surely learns to accept the Crystal Gems as allies.
Transitioning to villains, this show has quite the memorable rogues gallery. Peridot started out as this calculated and emotionally charged character but has now become a fan favorite with her naivety towards Earth customs and eagerness to understand them. Lapis Lazuli has also become a fan favorite after starting out as a major threat to the Crystal Gems and is now an emotional but understandable character. Jasper was a powerful and menacing villain and unlike Peridot and Lapis, she was bitter till the very end. Lastly we have Yellow Diamond, essentially the big bad of the show with a calm demeanor but when challenged she is not to be trifled with.
Because this is a character driven show, it makes sense that the stories are kept simple and to the point. Some of the most popular episodes have conceptually basic plots, but are executed so brilliantly that the simplicity is forgiven. In the first season alone, we were treated to an episode where two characters were stuck in a bubble for 11 minutes, another where they participate in wrestling matches, that one time the main character through a party for his surrogate mothers, 3 episodes involving a pink lion jumping through portals and a episode involving ice cream sandwiches.
The last thing I want to touch on regarding the show is the fanbase. The fans are what made the show what is through their wonderful cosplay costumes, the amount of support for the team behind the show, provide constructive feedback and drawing some of the most creative fanart I’ve seen based on a cartoons. Many detractors will point to the 2015 incident as an example of how toxic fans are, however, I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: those weren’t fans. The fanbase as a whole rightfully callout those ignorant individuals that claim to be supporters of the show (myself included).
Overall, I feel as though the detractors of this show either refuse to see the merit in this show or if they do, they were still disappointed with the end result. It’s fine if you don’t like the show (everyone’s entitled to their opinion and the show isn’t for everybody), but if you are one of those detractors, I encourage you to have a debate with fans and talk about it reasonably and respectfully. There’s no need to make enemies with the fanbase because you don’t like the show (and certainly not because of that incident caused by morons). Thanks for reading and I’ll see you soon.

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