Saturday, May 11, 2019

Top 10 Steven Universe Episodes (Season 1)

#10. Bubble Buddies: Kicking off our list is the introduction to Connie’s character as well as a new discovery for Steven. Being trapped in a bubble he formed out of reflex, Steven and Connie go around town trying to escape. They build some good chemistry between each other and some of their efforts to escape the bubble range from clever to down right comical. And when they are released from the bubble, they work together to defeat a monster, solidifying their friendship from then onwards. Connie was instantly likable and her relationship with Steven was handled very well; hopefully she becomes part of the main cast of characters in the future.
#9. So Many Birthdays: Steven throws a party for the Crystal Gems when he discovers they’re 1000s of years old. The first half of the episode is silly, goofy fun that had some clever humor. Then when Steven discovers he can make himself older, that’s when the humor stops and the drama starts. Seriously, it becomes very emotional when Steven becomes so old he can barely breath. I applaud the writers for not holding back on the stakes, and thankfully it has a happy ending.
#8. Coach Steven: Guest starring Nicki Minaj as the Garnet/Amethyst fusion, Sugilite, this episode shows Steven trying to be stronger. What really makes this episode memorable is the song featured as well as the character development Pearl goes through. Then there’s the work out montage which has some really clever humor and balances well with the nature of the song. Also, props to Nicki Minaj for portraying Sugilite with the attitude of Amethyst and the strength of Garnet.
#7. Keep Beach City Weird: “Boooooo!!!” Yeah, yeah I know, everybody and their grandma hates Ronaldo; unfortunately for you, I’m in the minority as I kinda like him. Does he get annoying at times? Yes. But is he really that bad of a character? That’s debatable. This episode in particular focuses on him and how his conspiracies are linked to the Crystal Gems. The episode shows that making conspiracies gives Ronaldo purpose and he’s just not satisfied with normal life. Steven of course tries to cheer him up, but only before the Crystal Gems beat Ronaldo down for threatening Steven. Honestly, I though this episode was clever, well paced and provided some insight into Ronaldo’s character. I know alot of people hate this character and the writers haven’t given him much screen time in recent episodes, but I honestly can’t bring myself to jump on the hate train.
#6. Alone Together: Steven accidentally fuses with Connie, and together they form Stevonnie (played by AJ Michalka of Ally & AJ). The episode shows Stevonnie dealing with being a fusion while also throwing in some humor and strong character development. One of the funniest moments in the entire season is the looks on Lars and Sadie’s faces when they first see Stevonnie. It’s just so funny, you’ve got to see it to believe it. Stevonnie is a fascinating character that share’s Connie’s intelligence and awkwardness and Steven’s fun and optimism. I look forward to seeing her in the future.
#5. Lars and the Cool Kids: Mr. Enter covered this in his review and I got to say, I couldn’t agree more; this truly is a highlight from Season 1. Steven helps Lars try to look cool for Jenny Pizza, Buck Dewey and Sour Cream. This episode show’s Lars’ relationship with Steven and how even if he’s embarrassed by him, he still gets the approval of the cool kids. Then there’s that ending; no spoilers, but let’s just say its one of the most beautiful things this show has to offer.
#4. Horror Club: “Boooo!!! Boooo!!!” Well excuse me for liking episodes staring characters everybody hates -.-. Anywho, I can’t help but put this episode on the list because it’s that good. Steven goes to watch scary movies with Lars, Sadie and Ronaldo; however they encounter a monster that creeps them out and shenanigans ensue. What I really like about this episode is the character development between Lars and Ronaldo. I mean, before this episode aired, I didn’t think they were close friends once upon a time; let alone did I think their relationship would be explored in an episode. Aside from that, the humor is pretty clever and the monster’s presence had me on the edge of my seat by the second. It’s a shame that because of Ronaldo (and to a lesser extant, Lars) that this episode might not be enjoyed by everyone; but me personally, I really liked this episode in particular.
#3. The Lion Trilogy (Steven’s Lion, Lion 2: The Movie, and Lion 3: Straight to Video): These 3 episodes focus on Steven’s adventures with his pink lion and they’re all awesome individually, but so much more so when you watch them in order. Not only do we get some of the season’s best action scenes, but also some of the best visuals. But the biggest highlight of the trilogy is the introduction of Rose Quartz’ character. After much anticipation, Lion 3 showed us who Steven’s Mom was before her death and it did not disappoint. I’m glad Lion decided to stick around because the more adventures Steven has with him, the better.
#2. Giant Women: This episode introduced the concept of fusion and as well as having some of the funniest banter between Pearl and Amethyst. Not only that, but it also has one of the best songs in the season and Steven is just the most optimistic when he’s singing it. And then there’s Opal (played by Aimee Mann), who not only has an amazing design, but is also the end-result of Pearl and Amethyst putting aside their differences for the greater good. “And all I had to do was get eaten by a bird.” -Steven.
#1. The Return/Jail Break: I knew for a fact when I started making this list, the 2 part season finale would make the #1 spot. It has the most action, the biggest stakes, the best song, the most clever dialogue and the biggest surprise of the entire season (no spoilers for new commers). After 52 episodes, the season goes out in a bang with this amazing 2 parter and gives use a little taste for what the future of the series holds. 
Conclusion: These are just a select few of the episodes from the kickass first season of the show. Honorable mentions go to Story for Steven, Rose’s Scabbard, On the Run, Future Vision, Mirror Gem/Ocean Gem and Monster Buddies. If you have not seen this show, I cannot recommend it enough; it’s really that good :)

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