Saturday, May 11, 2019

There's no such thing as "Nostalgia Goggles"

Looking at old shows, movies, video games or what have you in a different light is nothing new. Often, our opinions changes as time goes on and we experience new media for our entertainment. That said though, the “nostalgia goggles” metaphor is honestly really dumb and a bit insulting (much like the term “overrated”). Whenever someone tells another person to “remove your nostalgia goggles, x wasn’t that good” it feels like that person is forcing their opinion onto others. Maybe you’re opinion on a show or movie you liked growing up has changed, but that doesn’t mean mine has to change now that I’m an adult. I may be a 22 year old man, but I still found enjoyment out of a film like Elmo in Grouchland. I actually watched the film recently and I think it still holds up. That said, my opinion on iCarly is much different now then when it first aired. This is because I’ve watched more sitcoms over the years and the flaws of the show became more apparent with every rewatch. It’s not because of “nostalgia goggles” or “rose-tinted glasses,” it’s simply a matter of changing tastes and that’s okay. Opinions aren’t set in stone and you’re allowed to look at shows or movie in a different light. But saying people are “nostalgia blind” for not seeing the flaws you see isn’t very considerate. Like I always say: you’re opinion is NOT law -.-

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