Saturday, May 11, 2019

Top 10 Steven Universe Episode (Season 2)

#10. Historical Friction: Kicking off our list is the episode where we learn about the founding of the quaint little town of Beach City as reenacted by Jamie and Steven. With Pearl proof reading the script, the episode gives us a very imaginative look at the founding of Beach City as well as being very funny and innocent through out. This is undoubtably Jamie’s best role in the show as he truly shines as an actor; hopefully he gets his big break in the future.
#9. Nightmare Hospital: Out of the two Mother’s Day themed episodes (this and Sadie’s Song), this makes the list because of how much more developed Connie’s mother become as well as Connie herself. In this episode, Dr. Maheswaran learns not to be so protective of Connie, when she proves she’s fully capable of defending herself (with Steven’s help respectively). This is also a very unsettling episode as the conjoined gems proved to be very dangerous foes indeed.
#8. Keeping It Together: It’s in this episode that we discover the conjoined gems after our heroes chase Peridot to the Kindergarten. Upon this discovery, Garnet is mortified and her nearly splitting apart sold this episode almost instantly. Not to mention the designs of the conjoined gems were super creative and again unsettling.
#7. Cry For Help: This is most likely an unpopular opinion and given this episode’s ending, I don’t blame you for feeling sour towards this entry. This episode serves as our introduction to the flamboyant Saradonyx as well as the turning point for the character of Pearl. What makes this episode great in my opinion is just how shocking the revelation was and at the same time (and as this Stevenbomb continues) we sympathize with Pearl and understand why she did what she did. 
#6. Friend Ship: This episode shows Pearl trying to redeem herself by attempting to capture Peridot. When Pearl and Garnet are trapped together, they take the time to fine closer and eventually forgiveness. The episode has been built up by previous episodes, but on it’s own you genuinely believe Pearl is sorry as she explains herself and admits her mistake. While they didn’t capture Peridot in this episode, forgiveness is always a victory in my book.
#5. Sworn to the Sword: Connie has become a major player in the show and it all began with this episode when she wanted to learn how to wield a sword. With Pearl’s teaching and Steven’s help, Connie learns the basics of sword fighting in flying colors and she still practices to this day. This also give us another character revelation with Pearl as she was known to sacrifice herself for Rose’s Sake.
#4. We Need To Talk: After Greg discovers Steven and Connie fuse into Stevonnie, Greg tells them about the time he attempted to fuse with Rose. It didn’t end up happening, but we do see their relationship grow even more and how Rose loved Greg no matter what. The visuals were as always breath taking, with the fusion between Pearl and Rose to Rose and Greg’s wonderful dance, this is definitely one of the best looking episodes of the season.
#3. Steven’s Birthday: In this episode, we learn that Steven is actually a teenager but looks like a kid because of his child-like innocence. He stretches his body to appear older but when he holds it for too long, he starts to shrink. Like So Many Birthday’s, there’s a sense that Steven could’ve died while using his powers; in this case, shrink until he didn’t exist. The episode is still fun though and Zach Calison using his normal voice for Steven was brilliant.
#2. Keystone Motel: Still frustrated that Pearl used her, Garnet splits apart, leaving Ruby and Sapphire to contemplate the situation while Steven and Greg are caught in the middle of it. Here we learn more about Ruby and Sapphire as characters and how they deal with Pearl’s actions respectively. Ruby is a hot head (as shown with her evaporating the pool) while Sapphire is calm but equally as mad (as evident of her freezing the motel room). At the end of the day though, they still care about each other and become Garnet once more.
#1. The Answer: As promised, Garnet tells Steven how Ruby and Sapphire met and we flashback millennia in to the past and see how they first interacted and why they’ve been stuck together this long. The animation truly shines in this episode, from when Ruby and Sapphire dance, to when they first fuse into Garnet; even when their on Homeworld it’s so stylized. What truly makes this episode the best of the season is the chemistry between Ruby and Sapphire and just how perfectly they get along.
Conclusion: This season had a lot to live up to after the phenomenal first season and it delivered in flying colors. Honorable mentions go to Chille Tid, Sadie’s Song, Rising Tides/Catching Skies, Message Received and the crossover with Uncle Grandpa, Say Uncle. So what was your favorite episode of season 2? Respond to this post and let me know. Thanks for reading and I’ll see you soon ;)

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